Women’s Day Celebration

On occasion of International women’s day on Mar.8, Saveetha College of Nursing organised women’s day celebration on Mar.5 in Nalli Arangam. The progarmme was started by the chief guest Sneha Mohandoss Philanthrapist Food bank, Chennai, Principal Dr.Vijayalakshmi and Vice Principal Dr. L Parimala. The event was started by rising for Tamizhthaivazhthu followed by the Principal addressed the gathering with her welcome speech. The lamp is a symbol of knowledge, wisdom and guidance. The chief guest, Principal, Vice Principal and SNA advisor lighten the lamp and started the event followed by Dr. Tamilselvi gave the brief introduction about the chief guest and handed over the event to Sneha Mohandoss. She highlighted the women moving “Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations”. She emphasizes the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality. After her motivational speech to the youngsters the chief guest was facilitated with bouquet, award and certificate. Finally the Vote of thanks was given by Vice principal and it’s time to rise up for National Anthem and the event concluded by conducting the signature campaign in the banner (Say no to child abuse) that was placed near the entrance of Saveetha College of Nursing, chief guest, principal and followed by all the faculty and students expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all the incredible women who have made a difference in their lives. Around 489 students were done the signature by taking oath.

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