Seminar on Jan.17
Dr.MGR Home and Higher Secondary School, MGR Garden, Ramapuram for the speech and hearing impaired organizing a one day seminar on “Breaking Barriers and Bridging gaps in Learning for Children with Limitations in Auditory Processing – A Multifaceted Approach” which will be held on Jan.17 (Friday) from 10.00am to 4pm in its premises. Dr. S. Paramasivsn (Former Director of School Education, Govt. of Tamil Nadu will inaugurate and preside over the event. Prof. Dr. K. Muthuchelian, Formerly Vice-Chancellor, Periyar University, Salem will be the guest of honor. The participants will be experts in the field of Rehabilitation of persons who are differently abled, Special Educators, Resource Teachers of SSA, Teachers, Teacher Trainees and Parents. All are welcome.
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