Saveetha College of Occupational Therapy conducts Geriatric Screening
Saveetha College of Occupational Therapy (SCOT), Thandalam under Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS) conducted Geriatric Screening (Occupational Therapy Elderly Screening) which is the comprehensive assessments for older adults to identify the potential medical, physical and psychosocial issues of the elderly persons. This program has conducted in more than 25 no’s with more than 750 elderly people in and around Chennai on Dec.27. This is to find out their needs, physical and psychosocial issues faced by the elderly persons and provide them with proper intervention strategies followed by this program. This will be very helpful for them to lead a barrier free life.
This is the first initiative program by the Occupational Therapy professionals in the geriatric population. This program is recognized by the World Book Record.
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