Do not neglect your child’s teeth
Article By: Dr. Anusha Mohan MDS
I am a Pediatric Dentist, yes you read that right. I am a specialist in providing dental treatment needs for children. Not many are aware that there are specialists for children and end up going to general dentists or pediatrician for dental problems. It requires 3 years of additional training after BDS (5 years), to know how to manage kids in dental chair. In my 8 years of experience, I can say that about 90% of children are cooperative if the dentist knows how to manage them correctly. So, yes ask for a specialist or find a specialist for your child.
Children start to have teeth around 6 months of age and can have oral/dental issues right from birth. Some kids are born with teeth called natal tooth or develop teeth within few days of birthknown as neonatal teeth. Do not be surprised, these are more common than you think and we as pediatric dentist will be able to guide the parents if your child has these issues. Teething problems are common and may also need attention by a pediatric dentist. I hear from my patients that most parents start to brush their child’s teeth only after 2 years of age. However, first tooth erupts by 6-12 months and the child is eating food/milk every day. If you do not start brushing with toothbrush and toothpaste right from when the first tooth comes into the mouth, the chances are high that your child already developed a cavity before you even started brushing their teeth. Brushing with finger is of no use. There are age- appropriate oral hygiene measures advocated by international guidelines to prevent cavity in children.
Studies have shown that you can prevent cavities 99% if you follow those measures. There is something called fluoride varnish treatment which prevents cavities when applied on all tooth surfaces every 6 months. Well, what if your child already has a cavity. Are you hearing people around you say that do not
treat baby teeth as it will fall. Are those people suffering from tooth pain or tooth sensitivity?
The one who is suffering silently is your child who is having these problems because of cavity.
A 2-year-old child cannot say that he/she has pain when they have not even learned to speak properly. Parents should think from the child’s point of view, listen to your child carefully and observe them well. Are they avoiding certain food because they have pain/sensitivity, are they pointing at some tooth often when they eat, are they gaining enough weight for their age, are they getting frequent infections, are they developing swelling in the gums or are they chewing their food properly. The problem could be in their teeth. We call it Early Childhood Caries (ECC) when a child younger than 6 years of age has more than one tooth with cavity.
Pediatric dentists can offer a solution for cavity and your child need not suffer. Tooth removal is not the only option, if treated early we can save the tooth and let your child have a healthy and happy smile till the permanent tooth comes in. Only the front teeth fall at around 6 years, the back teeth fall only around 12 years but the adult molar tooth erupt at 6 years of age, so the cavity can spread easily from baby teeth to adult teeth within the same mouth. Hence, the child will most likely have problems in adult tooth and require dental procedures for adult teeth soon / later in life. Why wait to treat the adult tooth? Get the cavities treated in baby teeth and have a healthy cavity free environment for adult teeth to erupt and stay healthy.
Are you thinking why should I spend money for a tooth that is going to fall. I am very sorry to say but you are going to spend more in future if your adult teeth need procedures. All of us know how costly root canal treatment, implants and dental crowns are for adult teeth.
Whenever I see a child walk into my clinic with pain and swelling and abscess, I really wish I could create more awareness among the community and work towards preventing cavities or at least treating them early rather than putting your child at a tough spot to cope with the fancy dental treatment when they are already suffering. Choose prevention over cure. Visit a pediatric dentist every 6 months and get scaling and fluoride treatment (just a gel to prevent cavities) done. Get those cavities filled when they are small.
Dr. Anusha Mohan MDS (Pediatric Dentist)
Fellow in special care pediatric dentistry (SickKids, Canada)
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